- 返礼のために
to return the courtesy 意味
- allow me to return the courtesy .
その返礼を してもらいます
- "to return evil for good" 意味
- "to return fire" 意味
- "to return from the digression" 意味
- "to return from the digression,... (in a conversation, speech, or story-telling)" 意味
- "to return something" 意味
- "to return to japan" 意味
- "to return to mother earth" 意味
- "to return to our muttons" 意味
- "to return to our point" 意味
- "to return from the digression,... (in a conversation, speech, or story-telling)" 意味
- "to return something" 意味
- "to return to japan" 意味
- "to return to mother earth" 意味